Nature’s Wonders

Möðrudalur Farm North East

Nature’s Wonders

Möðrudalur, the highest inhabited farm in Iceland, is a small oasis in the Icelandic highlands surrounded by sand deserts, lava fields, colorful lakes and more. Explore the winding rivers and structures of Jökulsá á Fjöllum from above, which carries melt water from Vatnajökull glacier through Dettifoss to the North Atlantic ocean. You will grasp the contrasts in landscapes around the farm. Sometimes you can even see the biggest glacier Vatnajökull and the table mountain Herðubreið in the distance.

  • Trip time

    35 min

  • Stopovers


  • Price

    ISK 135.600 per tour
    ISK 33.900  per person

  • Passengers


  • Availability

    June – September
    and upon request.